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Hi, we're Monica, John & Furball Shumba

What's our Mission? Delivering the blissful vibe of the beach to your door year-round.

Beach Vibe Living brings you a taste of some of the items that make living by the beach such a beautiful and eclectic lifestyle. Our journey to the Beach Vibe Lifestyle started when Monica moved to Australia and met Aussie, John. Growing up in Canada, Monica only got short vacations on the beach and longed for a lifestyle that incorporated all that the beach offers on a daily basis.

With a deep passion for the laid-back, carefree lifestyle that comes with beach living, we believe there's something truly magical about the soothing sound of waves, the warm embrace of the sun, and the sand beneath our toes.

Every item we offer is handpicked to immerse you in the beach vibe living you deserve. It's about capturing the essence of freedom, serenity, and the endless possibilities that the beach offers.

Join us on this endless adventure and let us be your companions on this sun-soaked adventure. Welcome to a world of sun, sea, and inspiration, and here's to making every day feel like the best day at the beach.