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The Case for Simulated Coral: Why it's a better choice

The Case for Simulated Coral: Why it's a better choice

In recent years, the debate surrounding the use of simulated coral versus real coral in aquariums and decorative pieces has gained significant traction. As awareness of environmental conservation grows, so does the scrutiny of practices that harm marine ecosystems. Given out love for the Great Barrier Reef, we wanted to delve into why opting for simulated coral over real coral is not just a matter of aesthetics but also a responsible choice for our oceans.

1. Environmental Impact:

The extraction of real coral from the ocean floor has devastating consequences for marine life and ecosystems. Coral reefs are vital habitats for a myriad of marine species, and their destruction through harvesting for commercial purposes disrupts entire ecosystems. By choosing simulated coral, we can mitigate this harm and help preserve fragile underwater environments.

2. Sustainability:

The demand for real coral has led to over exploitation and depletion of natural coral reefs. In contrast, simulated coral is manufactured using sustainable materials such as resin or silicone, reducing reliance on natural resources. This ensures that future generations can continue to enjoy the beauty of coral reefs without contributing to their decline.

3. Versatility and Customization:

Simulated coral offers unparalleled versatility in design and color options. Unlike real coral, which is limited by nature's palette, simulated coral can be crafted to suit any aesthetic preference or design scheme. Whether you prefer vibrant hues or subtle tones, simulated coral provides endless possibilities for customization, allowing you to create a truly unique underwater landscape. Check out some of Beach Vibe Living's different corals available here.

4. Durability:

Real coral is delicate and prone to damage, making it challenging to maintain in aquariums or as a decoration in your home. Simulated coral, on the other hand, is highly durable and resistant to wear and tear. It retains its color and shape over time, ensuring long-lasting beauty without the need for frequent replacement or restoration.

5. Ethical Considerations:

The trade of real coral often involves unethical practices such as illegal harvesting and trafficking. By opting for simulated coral, you can support ethical businesses that prioritize environmental conservation and responsible manufacturing practices. Beach Vibe Living supports ethical consumerism and supports the protection of our marine ecosystems.


The decision to buy simulated coral over real coral goes beyond mere aesthetics—it's a conscientious choice with far-reaching environmental and ethical implications. By embracing simulated coral, we can enjoy the beauty of coral reefs without causing harm to marine life or ecosystems. As stewards of our planet, let's make responsible choices that promote sustainability and preserve the natural wonders of our oceans for generations to come.

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